Do you remember this song? The HELLO song:

Go with English:

  • Pupil's book, page 67:
exercise 13, CD 3, pista 33: listen, number and repeat; escucha, escribe el número y repite
  1. Ok. Stop! Stand on the pavement. Don't stand in the road.
  2. Look left and right and listen carefully. Don't listen to music.Good. Look left and right again.
  3. Is there a car coming? You can cross the road. Cross the road quickly and safety. Don't run.
exercise 14: CD 3, pista 34: escucha, señala las fotos y colorea las señales
  • Activity book, page 54:
exercise 10: Look, tick and cross and write; fíjate en los niños de cada pareja de dibujos y pon  tick o cross dependiendo de si está bien o mal lo que hacen; escribe la norma de circulación vial correspondiente.
  • Ficha Reading and writing 2:

It's time to say good bye song:

Have a brilliant weekend!!
Keep safe distance.
Wear your mask safely 
Cover your mouth, nose and chin 
Avoid touching the mask 
And ... be careful with the crocodiles!

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