Today is Wednesday, 17th June

Hello everyone!!

Come on! Let's go with the English!
Esta es la letra de la pista 1:

It's time for English.
Everyone say hello, hello!
Everyone say here we go, here we go!
Everyone say 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1.
Everyone say let's have fun, let's have fun.
It's time for English, time for English.

Vamos con algunas de las canciones de esta unidad: CD 3 
  • Pista 1: hello song; la tenemos escrita arriba.
  • Pista 21: opening routine
  • Pista 24: Tiger's word chant
  • Pista 22: closing routine
  • Pista 2: bye song
Go with English:
  • Pupil's book, page 70:
exercise 1:
Página web de la editorial, Pupil's corner, nuestro curso, Videos, Culture Unit6: "A sailor goes to sea" a traditional rhyme ( una canción como la de "One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four")
  1. A sailor goes to sea, sea, sea,
  2. to see what he can see, see, see.
  3. But all that he can see, see, see, 
  4. is the bottom of the blue sea, sea, sea.
exercise 2:

Listen and number
  1. In my town, there's a fantastic swimming pool. I go swimming every week.
  2. In my town, there's a really big cinema. I go to the cinema every week.
  3. In my town, there's an amazing park. I play with my friends in the park after school.
Y ahora, dibuja un lugar de tu ciudad que te guste y completa la frase.
  • Activity book, page 56:
exercise 1: es la canción que hemos visto antes; escucha el CD 3, pista 37 y ordena las frases.
exercise 2: lee y relaciona cada frase con su dibujo (cada raya con un color)

Y para ver si hemos aprendido el vocabulario de la unidad:
  • Pupil's book, page 90
  • Activity book, page 64
Have a nice Wednesday!!
Keep safe distance.
Wear your mask safely 
Cover your mouth, nose and chin 
Avoid touching the mask 

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